David Allen interviews op Webworker Daily

David Allen David Allen, schrijver van het boek Getting Things Done, laat niet heel vaak van zich horen. Dus als dat gebeurt, is het altijd leuk om weer even te lezen waar hij mee bezig is. Op Webworker Daily is een driedelig interview geplaatst met The Dave. Onderwerpen van het interview zijn stress, online werk en GTD.

Een paar mooie quotes uit de interviews na de klik

“If you think doing GTD means you have to have a bunch of lists, you don’t get it.”

“All I did was add complexity that made it simpler.”

Over online GTD systemen: “What you don’t need is another application, another operating system, what you need is an integrating system and building that in. […] There’s a whole lot more to GTD than lists. They’re an important organizational component of it, and sure it’s cool to have nice ways to make lists, but frankly most of those applications you have to think too much in order to know how to insert it.”

“That’s what GTD is. If you’re out of control or if you have lost perspective, I guarantee you if you write everything down, get it out of your head. If you take next action decisions and outcome decisions about what all those things mean and you park those in to a trusted place. Which you then review against all the horizon of commitments that you have so that you kind of integrate all that together and then make an intuitive judgment call about what to do, more than likely you will be on.”

En er komt een nieuw boek aan! Januari 2009 is de verwachte publicatiedatum!

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