Interview Gina Trapani

ginatrapani.jpgTimothy Ferris, auteur van The Four Hour Work Week, heeft Gina Trapani, de oprichtster van, geïnterviewd. Timothy Ferris over het interview:

Gina Trapani, the founding editor at Lifehacker and author of the brand-new book, Upgrade Your Life, which comes out today, is largely responsible for the popularity of the term “lifehacks.” I figured I’d ask her to share a few of her favorites. From morning routine to top downloads and more, we were able to cover a lot of topics in just 8 questions.

Een erg interessant interview! Één van de vragen uit het interview:

5. How do you keep on task and ensure you are focused on the most important to-do’s?

Basically I’ve got two modes of work: loose/open, and focused/closed. When I’m in “open” mode, my instant messenger status is set to available, I’m surfing, writing, checking email, coding, listening to music with lyrics—getting things done, but in a multitasking way, open to interruptions and tangents. When I’m in focused/closed mode,
I shut down IM, stop checking email, close any windows I’m not using, switch to my ambient music playlist, set a timer, and plow through whatever I’ve got to get done. Typically I go into closed mode when I’m on deadline, or feel like too much time has passed since I checked off something really important on my list.

Het interview is hier te lezen.

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  • Annedien Hoen
    Posted 21/03/2008 12:30 pm 0Likes

    TOF ook dat ze (Gina Trapani dus) naar de Lifehacking Academy in Amsterdam komt op 17 april! Woo-hoo! The lifehacking godmother 🙂

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